Articles & News

Russell Forest Run exceeds goals, garners praise

Published: 03.01.2017


By Robert Gunn, Race Director

As I stood in the dark Russell Forest in the early morning hours last Saturday, I felt just like a small child at Christmas. Even when it started sprinkling, my spirits weren’t dampened. I just knew before the cannon fired to start the eighth annual Russell Forest Run that we would surpass the goal that we had set for this year’s run! The sprinkle lasted for only a few seconds. I headed to the Discovery Center at Russell Crossroads where Tammy and her staff of volunteers had gathered to finish packet pickup and registration. I looked at the number of people still registering and my heart did a little pitter patter.

The Famous Grits BarDaybreak came, runners began to warm up, and, right at 7:45, the cannon fired for the 10K race. A short 10 minutes later, it fired again, and the 5K started. As runners crossed the finish line, The Stables started to fill up. On one end of the building, they found grits from the famous grits bar, Nutri-grain bars, some OJ, even ice cold beer. And, on the other end of the building, they found music from The Bank Walkers. Some folks still had enough energy to dance!

After the run, I heard from a number of the runners through email or Facebook posts—messages like this from Starr:

“I’m so glad I chose this event for my February travel race! ‘Southern hospitality’ doesn’t begin to describe how wonderful this event was. Well organized, fantastic course, and that after party! Thank you! –A traveling Michigander.”

Or this from T.J.:
“Good times today. Thanks for a beautiful course!”

And an email from Phillip:
“Great event! I know there is a lot of effort that goes on preparing for this run.”

And, by the way, we reached it. We met our goal for this year’s race. So, what does that mean, you might ask? It means, since we started the Russell Forest Run in 2010, we have grown the number of runners every year, meeting or exceeding our goals. AND, that means that our donation to the Alexander City Schools Education Foundation should be greater than last year.

To all of the runners and walkers who come to the Russell Forest Run and support what we try to do for the local school system, to all of the volunteers, and to all of the Russell Forest Run Sponsors– THANK YOU! For, without you, there is no Russell Forest Run!

Save the date; the 2018 Russell Forest Run will be held on Saturday, February 24. Hope to see you there!

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