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Make This Now: Grilled Artichokes

Published: 06.25.2015

Sure, artichokes taste great, but did you know they contain more antioxidants than chocolate and more potassium than a banana? And that’s just for starters. Artichokes are also high in Vitamin C, magnesium, fiber and plant protein. The phytonutrients in artichokes means they can help lower your cholesterol, too. If all that doesn’t convince you to give them a try, we think Chef Rob’s delicious and easy recipe will. Read on and enjoy!

Grilled Artichokes

6 whole artichokes, cleaned and cut in half
3 lemons, cut in half
2 Tbs salt
2 gallons water
1/4 c extra virgin olive oil
1/4 c fresh grated Parmesan cheese

How to prepare:
In a large pot, bring one gallon of water and salt to a boil. In a separate bowl, add the remaining gallon of water and four lemon halves. To clean the artichokes, remove the first layer of leaves (about five or six), then trim the bottom of the stem. Cut the artichoke in half and remove the thistles from the center with a spoon. Place the cleaned artichoke in the lemon water mixture, and repeat until all artichokes are clean. Boil cleaned artichokes for 15 to 20 minutes, or until a paring knife inserted into the heart of the artichoke is removed easily. Remove the cooked artichokes from the water, drain well and toss in olive oil. Lay artichoke halves heart-side down on a hot grill and cook for about 8 to 10 minutes, or until they begin to char. Flip them over and cook for 2 more minutes, then remove from the grill. Place the cooked artichokes on a serving plate, squeeze lemons over the top, drizzle with a little olive oil and top with Parmesan cheese.

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